[UPDATE (08/13/20): SOLD OUT]

‘Apizz a relief for black trans lives

We’re making ~50 pizzas for the next month and a half to raise money for Morris Home and also to see our friends eat pizza during this weird time. Guess what? We have an awesome friend who is matching donations this time!!

So, 200% of your donation will go Morris Home, a recovery program in Southwest Philly specifically for trans- and gender-variant individuals. All pizzas are getting made at lunch-time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

What you do

Fill out the order form:

  • Pick a pie. Limit two per person.
  • Pick a day and time to pick up at our house. If you need delivery (within a mile of our house), give us your address.
  • Venmo me @William-LaCava. You can also paypal me or send a check; email apizzarelief@gmail.com to set that up. Our friend is matching donations, so twice the amount of money you donate goes straight to Morris Home. Donations are on a sliding scale $15-25+. The suggested donation is $20.

By the way, have you helped push for justice for Breonna Taylor yet?

Contact us at apizzarelief@gmail.com with questions or suggestions.

About the Pizza

Each pizza is around 14”, rarely a circle but close. I use an 80% hydrated dough to make pizza starting with a biga, a stiff starter. The dough is cold-fermented for 24 hours. Here’s the recipe :)


I cook them with a combination of pizza stone and broiler to get a charred finish. Generally I’m going for something between Neapolitan style and my dad/grandpa/grandma’s style.


The crust should be airy, crackly, and chewy. Not a new york slice.


Special thanks to Angelo Spagnolo who gave me my first biga and Jim Lahey’s pizza recipe, and to Ricardo Ortiz who convinced me to fold my dough.
